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creepy perverts of shame 1

This guy, who is in his 60s, said this disgusting thing about a young man.    Thinks that 14 year olds are not children, so apparently they're "old enough to consent."  I'm going to keep collecting pictures of creepy pervs to expose them. 
Recent posts

a father of a daughter punched a 13 year old boy

 This is some people like this who would defend a father who would violently assault a boy because his daughter closed the bedroom door instead of leaving it open. to say "he was directionally correct" is the wrong thing to say. Because this is child abuse, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I'm sorry but if you think that beating a 13-year-old boy in the face is justifiable reason, then you should not be around children.  I'm sick and tired of people trying to act like this father was "trying to protect his daughter." His daughter was in no danger. They're both the same age. They're both just children.  I understand that we don't want kids to act on their hormones, to start having sex. I understand that we want to keep these kids from making stupid mistakes. But the father was obviously not concerned about the kids making stupid mistakes, he was a misandrist turd. He obviously thinks that the boy is trying to have sex with his daughter. Especially

Derailing women's lived experiences?

 derailing a woman's lived experiences? Whenever a man talks about his lived experience, he's somehow derailing or silencing or one-uping women? Whether they are in the same room or not, they both have their trauma that they want people to know. He can have his own platform to talk about his lived experience and still be told that he is "derailing women's lived experience" and that "men suffer less than women." if anything, those who are doing the silencing are the ones silencing men, not women. No one tells her she is derailing the men's lived experience, no one is telling her that her pain is statistically lower than his, and no one is trying to silence her. Now imagine how this sounds. A woman goes to an urgent care clinic because she is having chest problems. She got checked in and is being seen by a doctor. A man comes in and says he has chest problems. Is he derailing her pain? Was he silencing her? Was he making the doctor abandon her to atten


 “This is for all the men who are big mad that women are saying they’d rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man. For all the men screaming, “this isn’t fair, it’s not all men!” for all the men who are stubbornly. Not. Getting. It. First, we don’t care that it’s not fair. Second, you men are the whole reason this conversation exists. YOU made this problem. YOU.”   No, this precisely is what the problem is; you think men control other men. No, we have no power or control over other men. Just as you have no power or control over other women. Also, it is not all men because generally speaking most men are not rapists or murderers. There are female rapists and murderers, but you NEVER! EVER! TALK! ABOUT! THEM! Since you don’t care it’s not fair, I don’t care either. See how it goes? Two can play this game. You don’t care that there are male victims. You don’t care that there are female rapists. You don’t care that you live a privileged life that you have so much going for you, bu

the bear vs man debacle.

 The whole bear vs the man stuff.    "If you're alone in the forest, would you rather encounter a bear or a man?" I would choose the man.  The whole premise of the bear vs man thing was that if you were to be alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a man or a bear. Most women had said bear because they believe that; A) A bear would leave you alone, for the most part. B) Men are unpredictable, so it's scarier. C) Even if the bear does maul, it's fast and more preferable to being raped. D) You could defend yourself from bear attack by using bear mace, punching it in the nose and such. Many women actually believe that 1) No one would ask what you were wearing. 2) People would believe you if a bear did attack 3) The bear won't rape you or have its buddies join in. 4) The bear won't stalk you or trap you in the basement and many more. There are too many problems with this whole thing. But first, I want to make myself clear.   I understand why t

LGBT issue we are facing

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